Watch Miz And Mrs 8/6/19 – 6th August 2019

Maryse decides to take advantage of Miz’s selective hearing by creating a winter setting on their front yard in 65-degree Austin.Maryse creates a Winter Wonderland in the sun: Miz & Mrs.: Aug. 6, 2019 It’s chaos in the Mizanin household when Miz and Maryse get caught up in a game of what annoys them most about the other.Miz and Maryse go to war over who gets more annoyed: Miz & Mrs., Aug. 6, 2019 Maryse tries to overcome the A-Lister’s selective hearing with the help of Titus O’Neil.Titus O’Neil delivers Maryse’s list of chores to The Miz: Miz & Mrs., Aug. 6, 2019